
The interest of this text is above all the evolution of political and religious strategy of the Devout in modern France. Through Marillac, Nicolas Lefevre de Lezeau, the author, worked out his model of a perfect devout life. Obviously, this text is not a biography but a very subtle ideological construction. Studying that text allows to understand the devout group, its convictions, models, aims, way of life or identity. Using the TEI encoding scheme provides researchers with a very precise tool of analysis. As a result, beside the display of all 3 manuscripts in parallel that can be read for the first time on the same screen, we propose an experimental analysis, based on 5 relevant chapters. This experimental part consisted in encoding analytically 5 chapters using what we decided to call "scholions" considered as interesting and relevant by the group of researchers involved in the whole edition. The notion of scholions was preferred to the notion of categories too heavy in Social and Human Sciences. This part of the project is completely subjective and experimental. Our aim was not at all to settle a definite grid of analysis. We only wanted to see how TEI could help us to put the stress on certain aspects of this text that will be developed later on in scientific papers, short notices or footnotes.

Here are the scholions chosen:

enbach eacea eaeca europa ehess cnrs crh
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